K Custom Session

  • Hallo,

    Ich habe Gestern beim Eric Clapton Konzert in Zürich dem Steve Gadd bei der Arbeit zusehen dürfen.
    Der Typ ist wirklich Klasse. Aber nicht nur er sondern auch sein Set klang geil. Besonders die Cymbals haben mir gut gefallen. Kann hier jemand aus Erfahrung etwas zu de K Custom Session unter "normalem" Gebrauch berichten? Die sind ja ganz neu, gibts die hier in Europa überhaupt schon?

    Die Hi-Hat würde mich speziell interessieren.

    Ich brauche keine Lebsversicherung. Ich möchte dass alle richtig traurig sind wenn ich einmal sterbe

  • Aus einem US-Forum (cymbalholic.com):


    I'm glad you brought this up.
    Being a Zildjian supporter I didn't want to start it.
    I had exactly the same impression of the ride, especially the high pitched 'ting'. I was able to stand a distance away while another drummer audtioned it......but the sound didn't improve. The same drummer crashed both the new Gadd Session crashes and visibly grimaced (without any prompting from me). They sounded boingy with unpleasant harmonics and not at all buttery. I agree I would not like to record them.
    Of course, although Steve apparently 'consulted' on the line, there is no evidence he is using them. In fact the 18" ride was inspired by Gadd's regular ride which is said to be a band/orchestral cymbal he picked up while visiting the Zildjian office several years ago.


    I tried out the Gadd set last night and although I didn't care for the ride cymbal the 18" crash was very nice, dark sounding with a nice sustain. Had I not already purchased cymbals I would have considered it. The ride cymbal was much different than the sound I like. It was very pingy and dry but I don't do records so I don't know if it sounds good on a recording.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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