Cat Myers - Mehr als eine Backup-Drummerin

  • Timekeeper with Flair & Imaginiation
    Während eines Gigs einer meiner Lieblingsbands, Mogwai, bemerkte ich, dass der Drummer irgendwie anders aussah. Da ich sehr weit hinten stand, konnte ich ihn nicht so genau erkennen. Dann stellte sich aber raus, dass es sich nicht um Martin Bulloch handelte, der erkrankt war, sondern Cat Myers schwang derart gekonnt die Stöcke, dass es mir zunächst garnicht auffiel, dass sie da trommelte. Wer sie mit ihrer Band Honeyblood erlebt, merkt, dass sie nicht nur eine Kopie eines Kollegen ist!
    Per Email nahm ich Kontakt mit ihr auf und stellte meine Fragen.

    DF: When did you start playing drums and why did you choose this instrument?

    CM: I started playing drums when I was 8, I my dad used to jam guitar around the house & I wanted to join in!

    DF: What is the meaning of drums for you?

    CM: Like a lot of people, music has always been a massive part of my life & learning how to drum along to my favourite albums as a kid was the best feeling ever. These days I get that same feeling every time I step on stage.

    DF: When did you start playing professionally?

    CM: I started playing professionally when I was around 22

    DF: What do you like on your job as a professional drummer and what is not so good?

    CM:A s far as I’m concerned I have the best job in the world however nothing comes easy & there are many difficult aspects to life as a drummer. Touring can be amazing but it is also hard to be away from home & loved ones for so long. At the start it was pretty difficult to make a living & I often had to get part time jobs to sustain myself, I feel very lucky that I don’t need to do that anymore.

    DF: How would you describe a good drummer and what is his/her part inside a band?

    CM: I think that really depends on the band, different bands require different attributes from a drummer. For me though a good drummer is an excellent time keeper with flair & imagination.

    DF: How important is human communication in a band and able to deal with it?

    CM: It’s hugely important, a band is like a weird marriage & for it to be successful it requires everyone to be open, honest, listen & have patience. If you find these things difficult then it will make life in a band much more difficult!

    DF: Are drummers a special type of musicians?

    CM: Haha, possibly!

    DF: What are your future plans?

    CM: This summer & autumn I’m recording with my band Honeyblood & we’ll be back out on tour at the start of next year before the release of our third album!

    DF: How will you describe the future of the music industry and how important is the internet for you?

    CM: Who knows where the music industry is headed but I think people will always appreciate live music & musicians have to be open to adapt to change with the times!

    DF: How did you became the backup-drummer at Mogwai?

    CM: The Scottish music scene is very small so Mogwai knew of me through other people, when they figured that Martin might not be able to play some shows they came to see me play with my band Honeyblood & then gave me a call shortly after.

    DF: Can you describe, how hard it is to play accurately like Martin?

    CM: I love Martin’s drumming. Learning the Mogwai songs was one big memory game, he plays so accurately & I wanted to imitate him as closely as possible. I transcribed all the drum parts to start with, then after a few gigs I had them memorised.

    DF: Your tip for young drummers and the user of Drummerforum?

    CM: Keep practising, play music you love to play as many styles as possible, don’t take rudiments for granted - they are at the heart of the most fun things to play on the kit. And if you want to make a career out of it then just never give up... just keep on going. Be nice to people, don’t expect to get rich & don’t give up!

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